Installation¶The easy way¶While prebuilt binaries are not yet available for all platforms, OCIO is available via several platform’s package managers. Fedora and RHEL¶In Fedora Core 15 and above, the following command will install OpenColorIO: yum install OpenColorIO
Providing you are using the Fedora EPEL repository (see the FAQ for instructions), this same command will work for RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 and higher (including RHEL derivatives such as CentOS 6 and Scientific Linux 6) OS X using Homebrew¶You can use the Homebrew package manager to install OpenColorIO on OS X. First install Homebrew as per the instructions on the Homebrew homepage (or see the Homebrew wiki for more detailed instructions) Then simply run the following command to install: brew install opencolorio
To build with the Python library use this command: brew install opencolorio --with-python
Building from source¶OS X and Linux¶While there is a huge range of possible setups, the following steps should work on OS X and most Linux distros. The basic requirements are:
To keep things simple, this guide will use the following example paths - these will almost definitely be different for you:
First make the build directory and cd to it: $ mkdir /tmp/ociobuild
$ cd /tmp/ociobuild
Next step is to run cmake, which looks for things such as the compiler’s required arguments, optional requirements like Python, Nuke, OpenImageIO etc As we want to install OCIO to a custom location (instead of the default /usr/local), we will run cmake with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Still in /tmp/ociobuild, run: $ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/software/ocio /source/ocio
The last argument is the location of the OCIO source code (containing the main CMakeLists.txt file). You should see something along the lines of: -- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/ociobuild
Next, build everything (with the -j flag to build using 8 threads): $ make -j8
This should complete in a few minutes. Finally, install the files into the specified location: $ make install
If nothing went wrong, /software/ocio should look something like this: $ cd /software/ocio
$ ls
bin/ include/ lib/
$ ls bin/
ocio2icc ociobakelut ociocheck
$ ls include/
OpenColorIO/ PyOpenColorIO/ pkgconfig/
$ ls lib/
libOpenColorIO.a libOpenColorIO.dylib
Windows Build¶While build environments may vary between user, here is an example batch file for compiling on Windows as provided by @hodoulp: @echo off
REM Grab the repo name, default is ocio_rw
set repo_name=ocio_rw
if not %1.==. set repo_name=%1
set CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning
set CMAKE_PATH=D:\OpenSource\cmake-3.9.3
set PYTHON_PATH=C:\Python27
set BOOST_ROOT=D:\SolidAngle\boost_1_55_0
set PATH=D:\Tools\cygwin64\bin;%CMAKE_PATH%\bin;%PYTHON_PATH%;%PATH%
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
set OCIO_PATH=D:\OpenSource\%repo_name%
@doskey ne="D:\Tools\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" -nosession -multiInst $*
@doskey sub="D:\Tools\Sublime Text 3\subl.exe" --project %OCIO_PATH%_project.sublime-project
REM Decompose the directory change to avoid problems...
echo %OCIO_PATH% does not exist
exit /b
echo *******
echo *********************************************
echo ******* Building %OCIO_PATH%
echo **
echo **
set are_you_sure = Y
set /P are_you_sure=Build in %CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE% ([Y]/N)?
if not %are_you_sure%==Y set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
set BUILD_PATH=_build_rls
if not %CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE%==Release set BUILD_PATH=_build_dbg
echo **
echo **
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ^
REM Find the current branch
for /f %%I in ('git.exe rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2^> NUL') do set GITBRANCH=%%I
if not "%GITBRANCH%" == "" prompt $C%GITBRANCH%$F $P$G
echo *******
echo *********************************************
echo boost = %BOOST_ROOT%
echo cmake = %CMAKE_PATH%
echo *******
if not "%GITBRANCH%" == "" echo branch = %GITBRANCH%
echo *******
echo Mode = %CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE%
echo path = %OCIO_PATH%\%BUILD_PATH%
echo compile = nmake all
echo test = nmake test
echo *********************************************
echo *******
Also look to the Appveyor config script at the root of repository for an example build sequence. Enabling optional components¶The OpenColorIO library is probably not all you want - the Python libraries bindings, the Nuke nodes and several applications are only built if their dependencies are found. In the case of the Python bindings, the dependencies are the Python headers for the version you wish to use. These may be picked up by default - if so, when you run cmake you would see: -- Python 2.6 okay, will build the Python bindings against .../include/python2.6
If not, you can point cmake to correct Python executable using the -D PYTHON=... cmake flag: $ cmake -D PYTHON=/my/custom/python2.6 /source/ocio
Same process with Nuke (although it less likely to be picked up automatically). Point cmake to your Nuke install directory by adding -D NUKE_INSTALL_PATH: $ cmake -D PYTHON=/my/custom/python2.6 -D NUKE_INSTALL_PATH=/Applications/Nuke6.2v1/ /source/ocio
The NUKE_INSTALL_PATH directory should contain the Nuke executable (e.g Nuke6.2v1), and a include/ directory containing DDImage/ and others. If set correctly, you will see something similar to: -- Found Nuke: /Applications/Nuke6.2v1/
-- Nuke_API_VERSION: --6.2--
The Nuke plugins are installed into lib/nuke$MAJOR.$MINOR/, e.g lib/nuke6.2/ Note If you are using the Nuke plugins, you should compile the Python bindings for the same version of Python that Nuke uses internally. For Nuke 6.0 and 6.1 this is Python 2.5, and for 6.2 it is Python 2.6 The applications included with OCIO have various dependencies - to determine these, look at the CMake output when first run: -- Not building ocioconvert. Requirement(s) found: OIIO:FALSE
Quick environment configuration¶The quickest way to set the required Environment variables is to source the share/ocio/ script installed with OCIO. For a simple single-user setup, add the following to ~/.bashrc (assuming you are using bash, and the example install directory of /software/ocio): source /software/ocio/share/ocio/
The only environment variable you must configure manually is OCIO, which points to the configuration file you wish to use. For prebuilt config files, see the Downloads section To do this, you would add a line to ~/.bashrc (or a per-project configuration script etc), for example: export OCIO="/path/to/my/config.ocio"
Nuke Configuration¶If you specified the NUKE_INSTALL_PATH option when running cmake, you should have a /software/ocio/lib/nuke6.2 directory containing various files. If you have followed Quick environment configuration, the plugins should be functional. However, one common additional configuration step is to register an OCIODisplay node for each display device/view specified in the config. To do this, in a on NUKE_PATH (e.g ~/.nuke/ for a single user setup), add the following: import ocionuke.viewer
ocionuke.viewer.populate_viewer(also_remove = "default")
The also_remove argument can be set to either “default” to remove the default sRGB/rec709 options, “all” to remove everything, or “none” to leave existing viewer processes untouched. Alternatively, if your workflow has different requirements, you can copy the function and modify it as required, or use it as reference to write your own, better viewer setup function! import nuke
def register_viewers(also_remove = "default"):
"""Registers the a viewer process for each display device/view, and
sets the default viewer process.
``also_remove`` can be set to either:
- "default" to remove the default sRGB/rec709 viewer processes
- "all" to remove all processes
- "none" to leave existing viewer processes untouched
if also_remove not in ("default", "none", "all"):
raise ValueError("also_remove should be set to 'default', 'none' or 'all'")
if also_remove == "default":
elif also_remove == "all":
# Unregister all processes, including None, which should be defined in config.ocio
for curname in nuke.ViewerProcess.registeredNames():
# Formats the display and transform, e.g "Film1D (sRGB)"
DISPLAY_UI_FORMAT = "%(view)s (%(display)s)"
import PyOpenColorIO as OCIO
config = OCIO.GetCurrentConfig()
# For every display, loop over every view
for display in config.getDisplays():
for view in config.getViews(display):
# Register the node
name = DISPLAY_UI_FORMAT % {'view': view, "display": display},
call = nuke.nodes.OCIODisplay,
args = (),
kwargs = {"display": display, "view": view, "layer": "all"})
# Get the default display and view, set it as the default used on Nuke startup
defaultDisplay = config.getDefaultDisplay()
defaultView = config.getDefaultView(defaultDisplay)
DISPLAY_UI_FORMAT % {'view': defaultView, "display": defaultDisplay})
Environment variables¶