Usage Example: Compositing plugin that converts from “log” to “lin”
#include <OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO.h>
// Get the global OpenColorIO config
// This will auto-initialize (using $OCIO) on first use
OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config = OCIO::GetCurrentConfig();
// Get the processor corresponding to this transform.
OCIO::ConstProcessorRcPtr processor = config->getProcessor(OCIO::ROLE_COMPOSITING_LOG,
// Wrap the image in a light-weight ImageDescription
OCIO::PackedImageDesc img(imageData, w, h, 4);
// Apply the color transformation (in place)
catch(OCIO::Exception & exception)
std::cerr << "OpenColorIO Error: " << exception.what() << std::endl;
class Exception
An exception class to throw for errors detected at
All functions in the Config class can potentially throw this exception.
Exception::Exception(const char*)
Constructor that takes a string as the exception message.
Exception::Exception(const Exception&)
Constructor that takes an exception pointer.
Exception& Exception::operator=(const Exception&)
Constructor that takes an exception pointer and returns an exception pointer (???).
const char* Exception::what() const
class ExceptionMissingFile
An exception class for errors detected at
runtime, thrown when OCIO cannot find a file that is expected to
exist. This is provided as a custom type to
distinguish cases where one wants to continue looking for
missing files, but wants to properly fail
for other error conditions.
ExceptionMissingFile::ExceptionMissingFile(const char*)
Constructor that takes a string as the exception message.
ExceptionMissingFile::ExceptionMissingFile(const ExceptionMissingFile&)
Constructor that takes an existing exception.
void ClearAllCaches()
OpenColorIO, during normal usage, tends to cache certain information
(such as the contents of LUTs on disk, intermediate results, etc.).
Calling this function will flush all such information.
Under normal usage, this is not necessary, but it can be helpful in particular instances,
such as designing OCIO profiles, and wanting to re-read luts without
const char* GetVersion()
Get the version number for the library, as a
dot-delimited string (e.g., “1.0.0”). This is also available
at compile time as OCIO_VERSION.
int GetVersionHex()
Get the version number for the library, as a
single 4-byte hex number (e.g., 0x01050200 for “1.5.2”), to be used
for numeric comparisons. This is also available
at compile time as OCIO_VERSION_HEX.
LoggingLevel GetLoggingLevel()
Get the global logging level.
You can override this at runtime using the OCIO_LOGGING_LEVEL
environment variable. The client application that sets this should use
SetLoggingLevel(), and not the environment variable. The default value is INFO.
void SetLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel level)
Set the global logging level.
A config defines all the color spaces to be available at runtime.
The color configuration (Config) is the main object for
interacting with this library. It encapsulates all of the information
necessary to use customized ColorSpaceTransform and
DisplayTransform operations.
See the User Guide for more information on
selecting, creating, and working with custom color configurations.
For applications interested in using only one color config at
a time (this is the vast majority of apps), their API would
traditionally get the global configuration and use that, as opposed to
creating a new one. This simplifies the use case for
plugins and bindings, as it alleviates the need to pass around configuration
An example of an application where this would not be sufficient would be
a multi-threaded image proxy server (daemon), which wished to handle
multiple show configurations in a single process concurrently. This
app would need to keep multiple configurations alive, and to manage them
Roughly speaking, a novice user should select a
default configuration that most closely approximates the use case
(animation, visual effects, etc.), and set the OCIO environment
variable to point at the root of that configuration.
Initialization using environment variables is typically preferable in
a multi-app ecosystem, as it allows all applications to be
consistently configured.
See Usage Examples
ConstConfigRcPtr GetCurrentConfig()
Get the current configuration.
void SetCurrentConfig(const ConstConfigRcPtr& config)
Set the current configuration. This will then store a copy of the specified config.
class Config
static ConfigRcPtr Config::Create()
Constructor a default empty configuration.
static ConstConfigRcPtr Config::CreateFromEnv()
Constructor a configuration using the OCIO environmnet variable.
static ConstConfigRcPtr Config::CreateFromFile(const char* filename)
Constructor a configuration using a specific config file.
static ConstConfigRcPtr Config::CreateFromStream(std::istream& istream)
ConfigRcPtr Config::createEditableCopy() const
void Config::sanityCheck() const
This will throw an exception if the config is malformed. The most
common error occurs when references are made to colorspaces that do not
const char* Config::getDescription() const
void Config::setDescription(const char* description)
void Config::serialize(std::ostream& os) const
Returns the string representation of the Config in YAML text form.
This is typically stored on disk in a file with the extension .ocio.
const char* Config::getCacheID() const
This will produce a hash of the all colorspace definitions, etc.
All external references, such as files used in FileTransforms, etc.,
will be incorporated into the cacheID. While the contents of
the files are not read, the file system is queried for relavent
information (mtime, inode) so that the config’s cacheID will
change when the underlying luts are updated.
If a context is not provided, the current Context will be used.
If a null context is provided, file references will not be taken into
account (this is essentially a hash of Config::serialize).
const char* Config::getCacheID(const ConstContextRcPtr& context) const
Given a lut src name, where should we find it?
ConstContextRcPtr Config::getCurrentContext() const
void Config::addEnvironmentVar(const char* name, const char* defaultValue)
int Config::getNumEnvironmentVars() const
const char* Config::getEnvironmentVarNameByIndex(int index) const
const char* Config::getEnvironmentVarDefault(const char* name) const
void Config::clearEnvironmentVars()
void Config::setEnvironmentMode(EnvironmentMode mode)
EnvironmentMode Config::getEnvironmentMode() const
void Config::loadEnvironment()
const char* Config::getSearchPath() const
void Config::setSearchPath(const char* path)
const char* Config::getWorkingDir() const
void Config::setWorkingDir(const char* dirname)
int Config::getNumColorSpaces() const
const char* Config::getColorSpaceNameByIndex(int index) const
This will null if an invalid index is specified
These fcns all accept either a color space OR role name.
(Colorspace names take precedence over roles.)
ConstColorSpaceRcPtr Config::getColorSpace(const char* name) const
This will return null if the specified name is not
int Config::getIndexForColorSpace(const char* name) const
void Config::addColorSpace(const ConstColorSpaceRcPtr& cs)
If another color space is already registered with the same name,
this will overwrite it. This stores a copy of the specified
color space.
void Config::clearColorSpaces()
const char* Config::parseColorSpaceFromString(const char* str) const
Given the specified string, get the longest,
right-most, colorspace substring that appears.
- If strict parsing is enabled, and no color space is found, return
an empty string.
- If strict parsing is disabled, return ROLE_DEFAULT (if defined).
- If the default role is not defined, return an empty string.
bool Config::isStrictParsingEnabled() const
void Config::setStrictParsingEnabled(bool enabled)
A role is like an alias for a colorspace. You can query the colorspace
corresponding to a role using the normal getColorSpace fcn.
void Config::setRole(const char* role, const char* colorSpaceName)
Setting the colorSpaceName name to a null string unsets it.
int Config::getNumRoles() const
bool Config::hasRole(const char* role) const
Return true if the role has been defined.
const char* Config::getRoleName(int index) const
Get the role name at index, this will return values
like ‘scene_linear’, ‘compositing_log’.
Return empty string if index is out of range.
Display/View Registration
Looks is a potentially comma (or colon) delimited list of lookNames,
Where +/- prefixes are optionally allowed to denote forward/inverse
look specification. (And forward is assumed in the absence of either)
const char* Config::getDefaultDisplay() const
int Config::getNumDisplays() const
const char* Config::getDisplay(int index) const
const char* Config::getDefaultView(const char* display) const
int Config::getNumViews(const char* display) const
const char* Config::getView(const char* display, int index) const
const char* Config::getDisplayColorSpaceName(const char* display, const char* view) const
const char* Config::getDisplayLooks(const char* display, const char* view) const
void Config::addDisplay(const char* display, const char* view, const char* colorSpaceName, const char* looks)
For the (display,view) combination,
specify which colorSpace and look to use.
If a look is not desired, then just pass an empty string
void Config::clearDisplays()
void Config::setActiveDisplays(const char* displays)
Comma-delimited list of display names.
const char* Config::getActiveDisplays() const
void Config::setActiveViews(const char* views)
Comma-delimited list of view names.
const char* Config::getActiveViews() const
Get the default coefficients for computing luma.
There is no “1 size fits all” set of luma coefficients. (The
values are typically different for each colorspace, and the
application of them may be nonsensical depending on the
intensity coding anyways). Thus, the ‘right’ answer is to make
these functions on the Config class. However, it’s
often useful to have a config-wide default so here it is. We will
add the colorspace specific luma call if/when another client is
interesting in using it.
void Config::getDefaultLumaCoefs(float* rgb) const
void Config::setDefaultLumaCoefs(const float* rgb)
These should be normalized (sum to 1.0 exactly).
Manager per-shot look settings.
ConstLookRcPtr Config::getLook(const char* name) const
int Config::getNumLooks() const
const char* Config::getLookNameByIndex(int index) const
void Config::addLook(const ConstLookRcPtr& look)
void Config::clearLooks()
Convert from inputColorSpace to outputColorSpace
This may provide higher fidelity than anticipated due to internal
optimizations. For example, if the inputcolorspace and the
outputColorSpace are members of the same family, no conversion
will be applied, even though strictly speaking quantization
should be added.
If you wish to test these calls for quantization characteristics,
apply in two steps; the image must contain RGB triples (though
arbitrary numbers of additional channels can be supported (ignored)
using the pixelStrideBytes arg).
ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const ConstContextRcPtr& context, const ConstColorSpaceRcPtr& srcColorSpace, const ConstColorSpaceRcPtr& dstColorSpace) const
ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const ConstColorSpaceRcPtr& srcColorSpace, const ConstColorSpaceRcPtr& dstColorSpace) const
ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const char* srcName, const char* dstName) const
Names can be colorspace name, role name, or a combination of both.
ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const ConstContextRcPtr& context, const char* srcName, const char* dstName) const
Get the processor for the specified transform.
Not often needed, but will allow for the re-use of atomic OCIO
functionality (such as to apply an individual LUT file).
ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const ConstTransformRcPtr& transform) const
ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const ConstTransformRcPtr& transform, TransformDirection direction) const
ConstProcessorRcPtr Config::getProcessor(const ConstContextRcPtr& context, const ConstTransformRcPtr& transform, TransformDirection direction) const
The ColorSpace is the state of an image with respect to colorimetry
and color encoding. Transforming images between different
ColorSpaces is the primary motivation for this library.
While a complete discussion of color spaces is beyond the scope of
header documentation, traditional uses would be to have ColorSpaces
corresponding to: physical capture devices (known cameras, scanners),
and internal ‘convenience’ spaces (such as scene linear, logarithmic).
ColorSpaces are specific to a particular image precision (float32,
uint8, etc.), and the set of ColorSpaces that provide equivalent mappings
(at different precisions) are referred to as a ‘family’.
class ColorSpace
static ColorSpaceRcPtr ColorSpace::Create()
ColorSpaceRcPtr ColorSpace::createEditableCopy() const
const char* ColorSpace::getName() const
void ColorSpace::setName(const char* name)
const char* ColorSpace::getFamily() const
Get the family, for use in user interfaces (optional)
void ColorSpace::setFamily(const char* family)
Set the family, for use in user interfaces (optional)
const char* ColorSpace::getEqualityGroup() const
Get the ColorSpace group name (used for equality comparisons)
This allows no-op transforms between different colorspaces.
If an equalityGroup is not defined (an empty string), it will be considered
unique (i.e., it will not compare as equal to other ColorSpaces with an
empty equality group). This is often, though not always, set to the
same value as ‘family’.
void ColorSpace::setEqualityGroup(const char* equalityGroup)
const char* ColorSpace::getDescription() const
void ColorSpace::setDescription(const char* description)
BitDepth ColorSpace::getBitDepth() const
void ColorSpace::setBitDepth(BitDepth bitDepth)
ColorSpaces that are data are treated a bit special. Basically, any
colorspace transforms you try to apply to them are ignored. (Think
of applying a gamut mapping transform to an ID pass). Also, the
DisplayTransform process obeys special ‘data min’ and
‘data max’ args.
This is traditionally used for pixel data that represents non-color
pixel data, such as normals, point positions, ID information, etc.
bool ColorSpace::isData() const
void ColorSpace::setIsData(bool isData)
If this colorspace needs to be transferred to a limited dynamic
range coding space (such as during display with a GPU path), use this
allocation to maximize bit efficiency.
Allocation ColorSpace::getAllocation() const
void ColorSpace::setAllocation(Allocation allocation)
Specify the optional variable values to configure the allocation.
If no variables are specified, the defaults are used.
2 vars: [lg2min, lg2max]
3 vars: [lg2min, lg2max, linear_offset]
int ColorSpace::getAllocationNumVars() const
void ColorSpace::getAllocationVars(float* vars) const
void ColorSpace::setAllocationVars(int numvars, const float* vars)
The Look is an ‘artistic’ image modification, in a specified image
The processSpace defines the ColorSpace the image is required to be
in, for the math to apply correctly.
class Look
static LookRcPtr Look::Create()
LookRcPtr Look::createEditableCopy() const
const char* Look::getName() const
void Look::setName(const char* name)
const char* Look::getProcessSpace() const
void Look::setProcessSpace(const char* processSpace)
ConstTransformRcPtr Look::getTransform() const
void Look::setTransform(const ConstTransformRcPtr& transform)
Setting a transform to a non-null call makes it allowed.
ConstTransformRcPtr Look::getInverseTransform() const
void Look::setInverseTransform(const ConstTransformRcPtr& transform)
Setting a transform to a non-null call makes it allowed.
const char* Look::getDescription() const
void Look::setDescription(const char* description)
class Processor
static ProcessorRcPtr Processor::Create()
bool Processor::isNoOp() const
bool Processor::hasChannelCrosstalk() const
- does the processor represent an image transformation that
- introduces crosstalk between the image channels
ConstProcessorMetadataRcPtr Processor::getMetadata() const
CPU Path
void Processor::apply(ImageDesc& img) const
Apply to an image.
Apply to a single pixel.
This is not as efficient as applying to an entire image at once.
If you are processing multiple pixels, and have the flexibility,
use the above function instead.
void Processor::applyRGB(float* pixel) const
void Processor::applyRGBA(float* pixel) const
const char* Processor::getCpuCacheID() const
GPU Path
Get the 3d lut + cg shader for the specified
cg signature will be:
shaderFcnName(in half4 inPixel, const uniform sampler3D lut3d)
lut3d should be size: 3 * edgeLen * edgeLen * edgeLen
return 0 if unknown
const char* Processor::getGpuShaderText(const GpuShaderDesc& shaderDesc) const
const char* Processor::getGpuShaderTextCacheID(const GpuShaderDesc& shaderDesc) const
void Processor::getGpuLut3D(float* lut3d, const GpuShaderDesc& shaderDesc) const
const char* Processor::getGpuLut3DCacheID(const GpuShaderDesc& shaderDesc) const
class ProcessorMetadata
This class contains meta information about the process that generated
this processor. The results of these functions do not
impact the pixel processing.
static ProcessorMetadataRcPtr ProcessorMetadata::Create()
int ProcessorMetadata::getNumFiles() const
const char* ProcessorMetadata::getFile(int index) const
int ProcessorMetadata::getNumLooks() const
const char* ProcessorMetadata::getLook(int index) const
void ProcessorMetadata::addFile(const char* fname)
void ProcessorMetadata::addLook(const char* look)
In certain situations it is necessary to serialize transforms into a variety
of application specific lut formats. The Baker can be used to create lut
formats that ocio supports for writing.
Usage Example: Bake a houdini sRGB viewer lut
OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config = OCIO::Config::CreateFromEnv();
OCIO::BakerRcPtr baker = OCIO::Baker::Create();
baker->setFormat("houdini"); // set the houdini type
baker->setType("3D"); // we want a 3D lut
std::ostringstream out;
baker->bake(out); // fresh bread anyone!
std::cout << out.str();
static BakerRcPtr Create()
create a new Baker
BakerRcPtr createEditableCopy() const
create a copy of this Baker
void setConfig(const ConstConfigRcPtr& config)
set the config to use
ConstConfigRcPtr getConfig() const
get the config to use
void setFormat(const char* formatName)
set the lut output format
const char* getFormat() const
get the lut output format
void setType(const char* type)
set the lut output type (1D or 3D)
const char* getType() const
get the lut output type
void setMetadata(const char* metadata)
set optional meta data for luts that support it
const char* getMetadata() const
get the meta data that has been set
void setInputSpace(const char* inputSpace)
set the input ColorSpace that the lut will be
applied to
const char* getInputSpace() const
get the input ColorSpace that has been set
void setShaperSpace(const char* shaperSpace)
set an optional ColorSpace to be used to shape /
transfer the input colorspace. This is mostly used to allocate
an HDR luminance range into an LDR one. If a shaper space
is not explicitly specified, and the file format supports one,
the ColorSpace Allocation will be used
const char* getShaperSpace() const
get the shaper colorspace that has been set
void setLooks(const char* looks)
set the looks to be applied during baking
Looks is a potentially comma (or colon) delimited list of lookNames,
Where +/- prefixes are optionally allowed to denote forward/inverse
look specification. (And forward is assumed in the absence of either)
const char* getLooks() const
get the looks to be applied during baking
void setTargetSpace(const char* targetSpace)
set the target device colorspace for the lut
const char* getTargetSpace() const
get the target colorspace that has been set
void setShaperSize(int shapersize)
override the default the shaper sample size,
default: <format specific>
int getShaperSize() const
get the shaper sample size
void setCubeSize(int cubesize)
override the default cube sample size
default: <format specific>
int getCubeSize() const
get the cube sample size
void bake(std::ostream& os) const
bake the lut into the output stream
static int getNumFormats()
get the number of lut writers
static const char* getFormatNameByIndex(int index)
get the lut writer at index, return empty string if
an invalid index is specified
const ptrdiff_t AutoStride
class ImageDesc
This is a light-weight wrapper around an image, that provides a context
for pixel access. This does NOT claim ownership of the pixels or copy
image data
class PackedImageDesc
PackedImageDesc::PackedImageDesc(float* data, long width, long height, long numChannels, ptrdiff_t chanStrideBytes=AutoStride, ptrdiff_t xStrideBytes=AutoStride, ptrdiff_t yStrideBytes=AutoStride)
Pass the pointer to packed image data: rgbrgbrgb, etc.
The number of channels must be greater than or equal to 3
If a 4th channel is specified, it is assumed to be alpha
information. Channels > 4 will be ignored.
float* PackedImageDesc::getData() const
long PackedImageDesc::getWidth() const
long PackedImageDesc::getHeight() const
long PackedImageDesc::getNumChannels() const
ptrdiff_t PackedImageDesc::getChanStrideBytes() const
ptrdiff_t PackedImageDesc::getXStrideBytes() const
ptrdiff_t PackedImageDesc::getYStrideBytes() const
class PlanarImageDesc
PlanarImageDesc::PlanarImageDesc(float* rData, float* gData, float* bData, float* aData, long width, long height, ptrdiff_t yStrideBytes=AutoStride)
Pass the pointer to the specified image planes: rrrr gggg bbbb, etc.
aData is optional, pass NULL if no alpha exists.
{r,g,b} Data must be specified
float* PlanarImageDesc::getRData() const
float* PlanarImageDesc::getGData() const
float* PlanarImageDesc::getBData() const
float* PlanarImageDesc::getAData() const
long PlanarImageDesc::getWidth() const
long PlanarImageDesc::getHeight() const
ptrdiff_t PlanarImageDesc::getYStrideBytes() const
class GpuShaderDesc
void GpuShaderDesc::setLanguage(GpuLanguage lang)
Set the shader program language
GpuLanguage GpuShaderDesc::getLanguage() const
void GpuShaderDesc::setFunctionName(const char* name)
Set the function name of the shader program
const char* GpuShaderDesc::getFunctionName() const
void GpuShaderDesc::setLut3DEdgeLen(int len)
int GpuShaderDesc::getLut3DEdgeLen() const
const char* GpuShaderDesc::getCacheID() const
class Context
static ContextRcPtr Context::Create()
ContextRcPtr Context::createEditableCopy() const
const char* Context::getCacheID() const
void Context::setSearchPath(const char* path)
const char* Context::getSearchPath() const
void Context::setWorkingDir(const char* dirname)
const char* Context::getWorkingDir() const
void Context::setStringVar(const char* name, const char* value)
const char* Context::getStringVar(const char* name) const
int Context::getNumStringVars() const
const char* Context::getStringVarNameByIndex(int index) const
void Context::clearStringVars()
void Context::setEnvironmentMode(EnvironmentMode mode)
EnvironmentMode Context::getEnvironmentMode() const
void Context::loadEnvironment()
Seed all string vars with the current environment.
const char* Context::resolveStringVar(const char* val) const
Do a file lookup.
Evaluate the specified variable (as needed). Will not throw exceptions.
const char* Context::resolveFileLocation(const char* filename) const
Do a file lookup.
Evaluate all variables (as needed).
Also, walk the full search path until the file is found.
If the filename cannot be found, an exception will be thrown.